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회사 개요

회사 앨범

기본 정보
Founded in January 2023, Trugro Exporters has swiftly established itself as a name synonymous with faith, quality, and trusted ethical business practices. As a leading exporter based in Chennai, we specialize in providing high-quality agro-commodities under our esteemed brand name, 'HSG.'Our commitment to excellence is evident through our expanding client base, with regular importers in Singapore and Germany. This unwavering trust from our international clients underscores the reliability and superior quality of our products.At Trugro Exporters, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of agro-commodities, including rice, millets, cold-pressed oil, spices, and jaggery. Our dedication to maintaining the highest standards ensures that our customers receive nothing but the best.Partner with Trugro Exporters and experience the difference in quality and service. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to build long-lasting relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
  • 거래
  • 응답 시간
  • 응답률
비즈니스 유형
제조업체, 거래 회사
주력 제품총 직원
11 - 50 People
총 연간 수익
US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million
설립 연도
인증(1)제품 인증(2)
주요 시장

제품 용량

공장 정보

공장 규모
1,000-3,000 square meters
공장 국가/지역
생산 라인 수
계약 제조
OEM Service Offered
연간 출력 값
US$2.5 Million - US$5 Million